It’d be great if we could all get along with everybody, but sadly, we can’t.
You can pick your friends, but you can’t always pick your colleagues, and for that reason, personality clashes in the workplace are inevitable. It’s not uncommon to have one or two people who just don’t seem to get on with the others.
We’ve been brought in to mediate our fair share of employee conflicts in the past couple of months, and while the meetings are slightly uncomfortable for everyone in attendance, they are essential to finding a resolution – you have to be prepared to have the tough conversations.
You can not ignore it.
Here are our pointers to managing conflict between two employees (or even between yourself and an employee):
Through the interventions we’ve been involved in, the most challenging dynamic is when an employee appears to be passive aggressive, where they are covert in their unacceptable behaviour so it goes under the radar but is still enough to ruffle feathers. In these situations, the three tips above are even more crucial.
You don’t want one bad apple ruining the bunch, so front foot the issue and nip it in the bud before it becomes a total monstrosity to manage.
Tags: employee relations